
Bryan Regier, Senior Pastor

Bryan has served Woodland, together with wife Amanda, since September 2016. Previously, they served different ministries in Tennessee, Germany and Iowa. Bryan and Amanda have four children: Katja, Jack, Henry and Greta Grace, and they all love exploring the Northwoods together.

Bryan loves pastoring and is excited about Jesus, the Gospel, and God’s transformative work in local churches like Woodland where God’s people are changed by faith in Christ. He’s also branching out in other Northwoods arts like maple syrup making, meat birds, gardening (big time), and home maintenance projects he often finds a challenge.

Bryan did his seminary studies at Dallas Seminary where he majored in New Testament Studies and Christian Education. Previous to ministry preparation, Bryan attended Bryan College where he studied English.

You can follow the Regiers at

Michael Boehnke, Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries

Michael has served Woodland, together with his wife Melody, since June 2018. Previously, both studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. While in Chicago they served at New Life Community Church of Lincoln Park, By the Hand Club for Kids, and the Moody Open Air Evangelism. Michael and Melody have five children, Elias, Zayne, Ariah, Josie, and Lucas who love listening to books, wrestling, and playing with their friends.

Michael has a passion for interacting with students and children of all ages and is excited about watching young people grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus.  He desires to see the next generation transformed through the life-giving power of the gospel and prepared for a life of disciple making and gospel proclamation. Michael also enjoys being outdoors, camping, gardening, skiing, and tossing the frisbee around.

Michael did his seminary studies at Moody Theological Seminary where he majored in spiritual formation and discipleship. His Bachelor of Arts is in pastoral studies also from Moody.

Sharisse Andersen, Administrative Assistant

Sharisse has been on staff with Woodland since fall of 2022. She grew up on a farm in Southwest Minnesota. After attending school to become a Radiologic Technologist, she worked at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN until the Lord called her in a different direction. She and her husband Alex are happy to now call Westboro home and they have two boys, Wyatt and Everett.

Sharisse and Alex are on missionary staff at Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center and have been there since 2020. Serving Woodland in this administrative role has been a joy for Sharisse. Spending time outside, doing house projects, and visiting friends and family are some additional things she enjoys doing in her free time.